Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let me off: A forum Theatre

I went to a Forum Theatre this evening. Thanks to Hnin for introducing me to this form of art. It is a very beautiful way of applying art to facilitate discussion between different opinions. We can see many ideal opinions from one extreme to the other end. The truth is no ideals exist in the real world as we all know. This form of art displayed the whole spectrum between the two extremes.

“Let me off” is a forum theatre about the relationship among Singaporean employers, agents and domestic workers. Anyone in the audience can be SPECT-ACTOR (spectator becomes actor) at any scene when the facilitator calls for intervention. It means the spectator can intervene the scene – he or she can act in the chosen role as per his/her own idea if he/she thinks it would help improve the relationship between the characters. Then, the other actors in the play will respond to the actions of SPECT+ACTOR depending on how they feel. The audience may also provide suggestion and ideas to the facilitators.

Throughout the play, I have seen ideal employers, ideal agents and ideal employees from the SPECT-ACTORS. For vivid explanation, I saw the extremely good employer who did not want her potential employees to say pledge the rules they are supposed to live by. The agent asked to promise (or swear, in a more harsh language) the workers will not get pregnant, use phone, run away. One SPECT+ACTOR didn’t feel it right thus he took on the role of the agent and he tried to ask the potential employer to promise/swear not to abuse the employees. I also watched the SPECT+ACTOR took over and acted as employee who prioritized her responsibility over her dying wish of going out with her man or can convince the man for safe sex so that she won’t get pregnant.

Not only this, some lee way between the employer and employee were also revealed through this artistic way of exchanging ideas and opinions. My take-home messages from this very first experience of participating in a forum theatre are
- art displays the spectrum between two extremes
- art can bring out different voices in a more receptive ways
- art reveals the space between two parties and how the two can move around and work out to suit both parties' interest
- art recommends alternatives to solve a problem

Bravo “Let me off”.

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